Friday, April 24, 2009

Stand By Your Man

Before I write this article, I have to give a disclaimer. If your man does not know how to keep his hands to himself, damages you mentally or puts your physical safety at risk do not walk, but run away from him.

The Bible teaches us in 2Corinthians 6:14, " Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers." In order you to understand what this means, you first have to be a believer. We all understand that we have to live our lives around unbelievers. Unfortuantely, not everyone that you interact with is going to be a believer. To believe so would be naive and unrealistic. What Jesus is talking about, is don't be in a initimate relationship with someone that is not a believer.

Another disclaimer that I have to do, this does not mean that if you are already married and then one of you does and the other does not give salvation that you jump up and leave based on those grounds. It does however mean, that if you are in the dating process and the man that you are interested in terms of marriage needs to be equally yolked.

In 1Peter3:1, Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, the without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives." This means that even if your husband doesn't know the first scripture or doesn't know a single name in the Bible, you are still supposed to stand by your man.

Often times, once he sees the conduct, character, and commitment of his wife he will be more apt to show interest in what she is doing. When that happens he will be more likely to give his salvation.

Always continue to be your husbands cheerleader, uplift and encourage your husbands. Show him honor and respect. In return, he will give you love and security. The Bible uses the same words to describe wives as the Bible uses to describe the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 13:5, "I will never forsake or leave you." Be that soft place for you husband to fall and always give your love and support.